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Digital Entrepreneurship
Disruption and New Venture Creation
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About the authors

Dr Kisito Futonge Nzembayie
Kisito Futonge Nzembayie obtained his PhD in Digital Entrepreneurship at the Technological University Dublin where he lectured full-time for 2 years afterwards. He is a newly-appointed Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship at the Trinity Business School, TCD, starting August 2022. His core areas of research and practice are in Digital Entrepreneurship and Digital Growth Marketing.

Dr Anthony Paul Buckley
Dr Anthony Paul Buckley is an experienced Head of Department with a demonstrated history of working successfully in the higher education sector. He is skilled in analytical skills, innovation management, data analysis, entrepreneurship, and strategic planning. He is a strong marketing professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management from Lancaster University UK.

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Recommended Citation
Nzembayie, K.F., & Buckley, A.P. (2022). Digital Entrepreneurship: Disruption and New Venture Creation. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.